What happens when we change a page to multi-product?

Sometimes we change a page from mono-product to multi-product, know how it benefits you and what you need to do

When a web is mono-product we do not capture the variants, all of them are hosted on the same URL. You will be able to connect your product with the general product of the retailer, but we will not be able to differentiate between variants.

For example, regarding the sizes of a pair of sneakers. You will not be able to connect them differentiated by size. In addition, if a size is available, we will show that the product is in stock, even if another size is out of stock. We indicate that the product is out of stock when all sizes are sold out.

When we change a website from mono-product to multi-product we are improving the connection system, because this way you can connect each product with its variant. You can know the exact price of each variant of your product and monitor its stock.

What should you do when we turn a web into multi-product? Watch the video to find out:


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