This feature allows you to connect your Google Analytics data, like the number of sales, with Netrivals tool. For instance, if through Google Analytics data you spot those products that are best sellers in your store, you can take actions and decisions based on this information.
The feature is divided into four sections:
Search tab: You can filter by brand, category, tags and date. You can also perform an Advanced search by clicking on the button in the right corner.
Data: You can find some data like profit, views, units sold, revenue, the Conversion Rate (CR) and Price AVG. If you click in one of those, it will appear in the graphic in the right.
Graph: You can see the information in the left displayed in the graph in a Daily, Weekly and Monthly basis.
Products tab: You can find detailed information about each product in this section.
The Products tab information is divided into several columns:
The grey heart in the left column allows you to indicate which of the products in your catalog is a favorite by clicking on it. Either because you consider that it is a top-seller or because it is a product which requires special attention from your side.
Product: In this column you’ll see the products included in your catalog. You can always filter this list.
Price AVG: The average price of the product in the last 7, 30 or 90 days, depending of the filter you have applied.
Price today: The price of the product today.
Margin: The profit margin percentage of the product.
PI today: The Price Index of the product today. The PI is divided into three colors: Green if your price is lower than the sellers' connected to this product, Yellow if your price is equal or similar to the sellers' and Red if your price is higher.
GA Views: The total number of visits of the product page.
GA Units sold: Total units sold.
Revenue: Total revenue.
Profit: The profit obtained.
CR (%): Conversion Rate, this is the difference between visits and sales. If a 70% CV appears, it would mean that 70% of people that visited the product page finally bought it.
Margin and profit are calculated from the cost price and the price in the feed, we must also include VAT.
Check the presentation below to learn how to integrate your Google Analytics with Sales Performance module:
(Click on the image to open the link)
Google Analytics (universal.js version) has 2 different plugins to retrieve ecommerce data:
Ecommerce (ecommerce): old one, only transactions, fewer data. With this version, you will not be able to obtain neither Views or the Conversion Rate (CR).
Enhanced Ecommerce (ec): modern one, transactions, product actions and impressions, more data. With this version you can obtain both Views and Conversion Rate (CR).
Learn how to obtain the Views and CR with Enhanced E-commerce in the presentation below:
(Click on the image to open the link)