Rivals Benchmark


Learn how to add rivals' equivalences with your products.

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Competing products

This section contains an overview of the rivals' products added to your account of Netrivals.

  1. Grey heart: You can classify as favorite a product by clicking on the grey heart

  2. Image: There’s an image of the rival’s product

  3. Rival product: There’s the title of the product, the brand and the code

  4. Retailers: If your product is connected with different retailers' products you will se the range of prices between the cheapest and the most expensive. The button ϟ opens a tab with the product information and allows you to connect it with other ones from the ‘Connect’ section

You can use the searching tab at the top of the screen to make advanced searches and ease up the process of searching products.


In this section you can make equivalences between your products and other brands’ similar products that compete with the product in question.

1. In the first column there’s your product, and the next columns indicate the different brands and the products connected to yours if there are any (because of the same features, characteristics, etc.).

2. If you hover your mouse over an empty competitor column, the option ‘Add product‘ will pop up if there’s not an equivalent yet. By clicking it, you can add another equivalence for the product in question.

3. This new equivalent product needs to be previously added from Catalog and Connections > Competing products > Add product

4. You can search for this product now directly from the window that will open when hitting the ‘Add product’ button in Rivals Benchmark > Equivalences.

Here you just need to look for its title and add it as an equivalence. The tab 'Rival equivalences' shows the current equivalences this product is connected to.

My Brand vs Rivals

This section allows you to compare your products with another brands' competing products that are equivalent to yours.

Black color is assigned to your brand/s, while the color grey represents the rivals.

  1. AVG Cheapest prices: Shows in the graph your brands and the ones that you have included as rivals, and its position taking in account the Minimum Average Price of all the products. To calculate the AVG we take the Minimum Price set by a retailer of each brand’s product.

  2. First positions by brand: Shows in the graph which brand occupies the first position taking in account its competitiveness. If you hover the mouse in the brand, you will see how many times that brand has been in the first position.

  3. The cheapest stores: Indicates which of your retailers is the cheapest (first position) or the most expensive (last position) regarding to your products and the rivals'. If you hover the mouse in the retailer, you will see how many times that retailer has occupied the first position.

  4. First row of Product: This is the product of your brand, which is colored in grey. The MIN is the minimum price of the product, the MAX is the maximum price and the AVG is the Average price of which the product is sold by your retailers.

  5. Other rows of Product: Each row is a competing product from another brand. Either way, the MIN is the minimum price of the product, the MAX is the maximum price and the AVG is the Average price of which the product is sold by retailers.

How we calculate percentages?

Each rival’s product is compared to your product. Example: each price you see of the rival’s product is compared with the price above, so 43£ is compared to 399,95£. The formula is: (difference of rival’s price versus yours) / (your price * 100) = (43-399,95)/(399,95*100) = -89,25%

The columns MAX and AVG are calculated the same way.


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