Google Chrome Extension

Deprecated Service: this feature is only available to clients that were already using it.

Learn more about Netrivals Google Chrome Extension: how to install it and functionalities available

Features available

One of the most convenient features of this extension is that you can browse sellers’ websites and find out more on price evolution.

  1. Price information is displayed in a very intuitive way allowing you to check which retailers are positioned over or below prices of your catalog.

  2. You can connect products you have not captured yet directly from the web of sellers you’re following. You only have to search the product you want to connect with in your retailer’s website, and link it to the product in your catalog using the Searching bar and clicking on the thunder button.

    Once the connection is created, you will be able to see detailed updates about product position when compared to the rest of stores.

  3. You can also disconnect all of the products that are no longer in your catalog or that you are simply not interested in following.

  4. If you click on ‘Rivals’ tab, you’ll see to which retailers the product in question is connected. If you are in the page of a product that has already been connected, the thunder symbol is bold. If the symbol is white, it means that is not connected to that specific retailer.

  5. If you visit a web of a retailer that is not added to your list, this message will appear and you can directly request it to us.

Be aware that if you are in a store located, for instance, in Germany and you want to connect products from another store in, let’s say, France, the extension won’t be able to connect products. Therefore, we can conclude that connections always happen between stores from the same country.

Help Section

If you have any questions on how to use the extension there’s a help section within the extension menu. Of course, if you have any further questions you can always contact the Customer Care specialist responsible for your account. They’ll be happy to fix any issues regarding the extension or your account in general.


  • Connected product: Your shop follows the retailer displayed by your browser and the product is connected. You can disconnect the product or search your catalog for other products to connect.

  • Product not connected: Your shop follows the retailer displayed by the browser but the product is not connected. You can search for the same product in your own catalog to connect it.

  • Follow this rival/seller: Your store follows the rival/seller that the browser shows.

  • It doesn’t follow rival/seller: Your shop does not follow the rival/seller displayed by your browser. In this case you can request to follow this shop. We will send you an email confirming the added rival/seller within 24 to 72 hours.


  • Displays the list of products in your catalog that are connected to the product in your browser. To connect a product use the Search in my catalog option.


  • Shows whether the product of your catalog selected in my product is connected to more than one product.


  • Show the total of your retailers that have the current product connected.


  • To connect a product from your catalog to the product displayed in your browser, click on the My product drop-down menu and select the Search my catalog option. Then enter the name of the product to be connected and click Connect.


  • To disconnect a product from your catalog go to the Position tab, place your mouse over the product to be disconnected, click on the drop-down icon and select the Disconnect this product option.


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