Amazon Ratings & Reviews


Discover how to make the most out of our Amazon Ratings & Reviews module

The Amazon Ratings & Reviews section is the place exclusively for brands to visualize in a clear and easy way what your users think about your products. All the data is extracted from Amazon, so you need to link your Amazon products with the Netrivals solution.

Remember that if your products are in Amazon and you want to use the Amazon Ratings & Reviews tool, you need to contract this feature by contacting your Account Manager. 


1. In the general tab you can have an overview of the ratings and reviews of your products:

  • Reputation score: An indicator that goes from 1 to 100 and measures the reputation of your products on average taking into account historical and recent reviews, their evolution and tendency.

  • Current Rating Avg: An indicator ranging from 0 to 5 and represents the average rating of your products.

  • Products #: The total number of your products.

  • Without reviews: The number of your products that don’t have any reviews.

2. In the updates tab you can check the number of new reviews and how many are negative. You can filter by different periods, and the number inside the square indicates the difference compared to the previous period.

3. The toggle allows you to swich between Brands and Amazon categories.

4. See the products list and different indicators:

  • Rating Avg: Average score of the ratings of the products included in the category in question.

  • Products # with reviews: Total number of products with reviews.

  • Products # without reviews: Total number of products without reviews.

  • New reviews: Number of new reviews and the difference with the previous period.

  • New negative reviews: Number of new negative reviews and the difference with the previous period.

Products list

From this page you can see the following sections regarding the information of the products in detail:

1. Choose between a Bar or Dot chart to see the general information about your products' positive, negative and total ratings.

2. In the updates tab you can check the number of new reviews and how many are negative. You can filter by different periods, and the number inside the square indicates the difference compared to the previous period.

3. Check the product list to see the information in detail:

  • Product title

  • Rating Avg: Average rating of the product.

  • Rating #: Number of ratings of the product.

  • Reviews #: Number of reviews left by users on Amazon.

  • Rating distribution: Graph that shows the distribution of ratings between 1 and 5 stars.

  • New reviews: Number of new reviews and the difference with the previous period.

  • New negative reviews: Number of new negative reviews and the difference with the previous period.

You can also export all the information regarding ratings and reviews of your products.

Amazon considers a product as bad if it has less than 4 stars rating

You can also use the search tab above the graphs to look for a product by brand, category or tag. Besides, you can also make an advanced search by clicking on ‘Advanced’ and filter your searches by text, brand, category, tags, favorites or price ranges.


On the ‘Reviews’ section, you will find the reviews left by users on Amazon:

1. You can filter by different periods: Weekly, Monthly or Quartely. This action will change the chart’s distribution.

2. The chart shows the distribution of the number of reviews and ratings from 0 to 1 during the chosen period.

3. Search for specific products or key words, filter by type of review, and order by temporality or qualification.

4. See the reviews list, where you can check the specific product, the rating, date, and the full review submited by the customer.

If you hover the mouse above a product review, the option ‘Visit comment page’ will appear, from where you can visit the comment page on Amazon and reply to it, if you need to.

Click on a product to open the product detail screen and see its specific reviews:

Here you will see information sections of the reviews of this specific product:

1. A bar chart that shows the quantity of reviews during a specific period with a different colour per rating going from 0 to 5. You can swich between Weekly, Monthly or Quarterly to change the distribution.

You will see the Rating Avg in the top left of the screen.

2. You can filter by key words by clicking on them.

3. Search for specific products or key words, filter by language, type of review, and order by temporality or qualification.

4. See the list and check the complete reviews, with date and rating.

This section is truly useful for R+D teams to improve the products based on users’ opinions.


You can analyse the ratings and reviews by benchmarking by brands and products taking into account categories in Amazon:

1. Overview of your products ratings and reviews. Here you will see the rating average of all your products in Amazon, which percentage of them are rated with less than 4 starts, the reviews average (all the reviews divided by the number of products), the total number of products, and those without reviews. You can filter by brand to see specific information.

2. Overview of your rivals ratings and reviews. In this section you can benchmark your brand with other rival brands belonging to the same category of products. You can see the same information as in the Section 1, but regarding other brands, and filter by category.

3. Filter by brand or check the full product list.

4. Product information. In the left section you will have your products information, and your rivals brands data in the right. You can also search for specific products.

  • Product: Your product or the rival product.

  • Brand: Your brand or the rival product’s brand.

  • Rating Avg: Rating average of your products and rival products.

  • Reviews #: Total number of reviews of your products and rival products.

How to add competing products?

These products need to be previously added from Catalog and Connections > Competing products > Add product

Then, you’ll need to manually connect each product which its URL in Amazon.


If you want to receive an alert whenever there’s a change on the rating of certain products on Amazon, you can create it directly from the Amazon Ratings & Reviews menu, and next hitting on the Alerts section.

The alert set up process is the same as the one for Price or Stock Alerts. The difference is that when selecting the stores, you are just going to be able to select Amazon, since it’s the only marketplace from which we extract all the data related to Ratins & Reviews. On the last step of your setting up process, you need to choose the range for which you want to receive the alarm, for instance, when the reviews get below 4 stars. The other parameters (alert name, the days you are going to receive it, who is receiving it and its status) are the same as the mentioned alerts. Then you just need to hit on Finish. You will find all your saved alerts directly on the Alerts section on the Amazon Ratings & Reviews menu.


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