Log in
To log in to Netrivals, visit Login | netRivals .
You can access your account by entering your email address and password. In case you have forgotten your password or need to reset it, you can request it by clicking on Recover Password below, or by contacting your Account Manager.
These are the key details that the Onboarding team will need to set up your account:
- Stores: Please provide information on the number and names of the stores you want to include in the Netrivals tool.
- Countries/Markets to Monitor: Identify the countries where your company operates, focusing on the most competitive markets, as these require the most attention.
- List of Rivals: Specify your main competitors in each active market. Don’t worry if you don’t identify all of them initially—Netrivals includes a competitor suggestion feature that will recommend additional potential rivals as you use the tool.
- Product Feed: To complete your account setup, send a valid product feed that meets the standards outlined in the Product feed requirements.
- Stores: Please provide information on the number and names of the stores you want to include in the Netrivals tool.
- Countries/Markets to Monitor: Please consider the countries where your company operates. Identify the most competitive markets in which you are active, as these will require the most attention.
- List of Retailers: Identify your main sellers in each market where your business operates. It's perfectly fine if you don't have a complete list initially. Netrivals offers a seller suggestion feature that will recommend additional potential retailers as you begin using the tool.
- Product Feed: For your account setup, it is essential to provide a valid product file that meets the specifications outlined in the Product feed requirements.
Users management
Once you log in to the platform, you can find your user information, including your name and the email address used to create the account, at the bottom of the left sidebar.
Click on your name > Profile to manage your settings:
You can manage the following settings:
- Name
- Interface language
- Change your password
Remember to click "Save" after making any changes.
Explore this section for more information about user management and permission settings in Netrivals.
How to check users
Click on Settings in the left sidebar menu, then navigate to User Management.
Here, you can view the active users in your Netrivals account.
In this module, you can view the User Name, Email, and Role of existing users. To delete a user, simply click on the trashcan icon and confirm your action.
How to manage users
Click on Settings in the left sidebar menu, then navigate to User Management and select a user.
You can now modify the following user profile settings:
- User’s name
- Interface language
- Permissions
- Allowed stores
How to modify user permissions
Click on Settings in the left sidebar menu, then navigate to User Management and select a user.
If you are an administrator, you will automatically have all existing permissions and the ability to modify the permissions of other users. Non-administrative users must contact the account administrator to request any changes to their permissions.
Note: In Netrivals, permissions only restrict the actions users can perform within the tool. However, account data is visible to all users, regardless of their permission levels.
Netrivals offers various types of user permissions to manage the tasks each user can perform within the tool. When the Administrator category is checked, all available permissions are granted by default. These permissions include the following:
Admin: To grant the Admin role to this user, toggle the Admin slide button. This will provide access to all modules and stores. To restore default permissions, click on Restore Default Permissions. This will grant access to all stores, connection management, report management, and Dynamic Pricing.
Permissions Overview:
- Market Research Access: Grants access to the Market Research section.
- User Management: Allows you to register users, assign permissions, and delete users.
- Connection Management: Manage suggestions in Smart Connections (confirm or discard) and create connections manually.
- Product Management: Enables you to manage your favorite products. Note that changes to other product data must be made through the product feed.
- Alert Management: Create, edit, and delete alerts/notifications from this section.
- Report Management: Allows you to create, edit, and delete reports.
- Massive Connections Removal: This feature lets you remove connections for a large set of products at once, avoiding the need for individual disconnections from the product detail page.
- Dynamic Pricing (IF YOU ARE A RETAILER): Provides either read-only access to data or full management capabilities of the tool.
- Stores: If there is more than one store, you can grant or restrict access to specific stores.
How to add users
Click on Settings in the left sidebar menu, then navigate to User Management, and click on + Add New User.
To add new users, simply click on + Add New User. From there, you can manage the corresponding permissions for each user.
Once access is created, the new user will receive an email to activate their account.
To validate their credentials, the user must log in using the provided email address and create a password to access the platform.