Information available
From the Product List section you can access the product detail page of any product from your catalog by simply clicking on it. The product detail page will open up from the right of your screen. This page contains all the details for a product in your catalog split into several sections.
In the products detail you will find up and down arrows in the prices of the retailers you follow:
These show the difference vs. the last change of price ocurred.
Price Index
From the Price Index tab, you’ll be seeing the position of each of the sellers/competitors that have been linked to the product you’re checking.
Positions are given according to the level of competitiveness of each one of the sellers. At this point you may also notice that sometimes the same retailers appear repeated. That mostly happens when there are several versions (different colors and sizes, for instance) of the same product and all of those are linked and being tracked.
Pos: This is the position of the retailer according to its competitiveness. The first one have the most competitive price.
Retailers: The list of the retailers which product is connected to yours.
- Ratings: Ratings of the product if retrieved.
Stock: Products with stock will always be showing a tick symbol in the stock column, while those out of stock will display a cross instead.
Price: The price information for each product plus shipping if captured.
Your Dif: The price difference between your price and each seller’s price. Price differences in this column appear using three color codes:
Green: Your price/MSRP is lower than a specific seller.
Yellow: Your price/MSRP is equal or similar to a specific seller.
Red: Your price/MSRP is higher than a specific seller.
You can see all the information related to a specific product connection by clicking on the product itself. This will redirect you to the product information page, where you can also do the following:
Disconnect this product by clicking the option in the right corner.
Create formulas for specific types of products.
Graph: See price behavior throughout time in comparison with a specific retailer.
From the History tab you can see the evolution of sellers’ prices according to your set price for the period of time of your choice, which you can pick from the period range dropdown menu right above the graph.
- Gradient table: This view allows you to identify which seller started reducing prices in a given period of time. You can define the time frame through the corresponding menus.
- Line graph: The line graph view also allows you to identify specific price changes in sellers. Another thing you’ll notice as well is that a different sort of line appears (crossed-out circles) in the graph for the time that a competitor has been out-of-stock for a given product.
Find the average rating and the distribution of reviews by stars number.
Check the graph to analyze the evolution of ratings in the last three months, organized by colors. The grey line represents the total number of reviews.
Here in the Reviews tab, if you have activated the option, you can also find the specific keywords tagged to that product on Amazon. You can filter by keywords and list all the reviews by different parameters and criteria.
There are all the reviews left by your consumers for the product in question, listed from newest to oldest.
Just like in the Reviews section in Ratings & Reviews page, you can be directly redirected to the Amazon comment page if you want to reply to a specific review.
From the Connect tab you can get to connect more retailers to a specific product. There are three options available: Search on retailers catalog, Suggestions and Paste an URL.
Search on retailers catalog
You can look for the product in question in Netrivals database.
Netrivals updates connected products on a daily basis, however, when it comes to the whole catalog of retailers/competitors (not connected products), the process takes place on a weekly basis, given the dimension of certain product catalogs. So, every time there’s an update in the sellers’ catalog new opportunities for new matches appear.
Also, it is important to keep in mind that every time that you connect a product that was not connected before, the product price updates immediately. That is why, in some situations, you may notice the price changes once the product is connected.
Smart Suggestions
In case there are potential matches between your product and retailers selling it, such suggestions for matches will be displayed in the Suggestions tab.
Through this feature, the platform sees potentially good matches between products based on criteria like similar titles, photos or references. Bear in mind that these suggestions are never based on the EAN code since this type of unequivocal matches are done automatically by the tool.
From this view you can choose whether to Discard or Connect suggested product matches.
Paste an URL
You can copy URLs directly from the web of retailers and paste those using this feature.
Dynamic pricing
From the Dynamic Pricing tab you see in a visual way the situation of your product concerning your competitors. Besides, the graph shows your current products’ position and the suggested price made by Netrivals’ software.
If you scroll down, you will be able to see the evolution of prices and suggestions made by Netrivals concerning the market situation, always respecting your rules and criteria.
To find out more details about the Dynamic Pricing solution, please check the Dynamic Pricing section in our Help Center.
Sales Performance
From this tab you can get an overview of Sales Performance section specifically for that product.
This feature allows you to connect your Google Analytics data, like the number of sales, with Netrivals tool. For instance, if through Google Analytics data you spot those products that are best sellers in your store, you can take actions and decisions based on this information.
- Price today: The price of your product today.
- PI (Price Index): The PI average of the last 90 days.
- Revenue: Total billing.
- Profit: Profit obtained.
- GA Views: Visits that have been exclusively on the product page obtained from Google Analytics.
- CR %: Conversion Rate, this is the difference between visits and sales. If a 70% CV appears, it would mean that 70% of people that visited the product page finally bought it.
- GA Units Sold: Total units sold obtained from Google Analytics.
To know more about the Sales Performance feature, please check the Sales Performance section in our Help Center.
Edit & Info
From de ‘Info’ tab you can review the data that we are receiving from your feed. By default, our systems update your feed every 12 hours. If you ever need to increase that frequency for some reason, you simply need to contact your Netrivals Customer Care specialist and they’ll fix that for you.
IF YOU ARE A BRAND and at some point you notice that some piece of information is not ok, you simply need to modify it in the following tab ‘Edit’.
IF YOU ARE A RETAILER your Info would be updated regularly through your dynamic feed.
When you update your feed, you can change any piece of information, but we strongly recommend you to not modify the attribute Code. The Code is what identifies a specific product in your account and, therefore, if you ever change it, you risk losing connections.